Disrupting the traditional commission model

April 12, 2023

The real estate agent’s model has traditionally been characterized by commission splits, with agents AND their brokerages typically sharing the sales commission. However, a new model has emerged in recent years that seeks to disrupt this status quo: the 100% commission model.

This represents a significant departure from the traditional model, which often sees agents giving up 30-50% of their commissions to their brokerage. Under this new 100% commission model, agents pay a fee to their brokerage for access to its services and resources, and while most brokerages charge ongoing monthly or annual fees, Nelly Corp Realty only charges $299 per closed transaction and the agent keeps all of their commissions from sales. Furthermore, NellyCorp does not charge any monthly or annual charges to its member agents.

So, how does this model disrupt the industry, and what are the benefits for agents and
consumers alike?

The 100% commission model offers agents greater flexibility and control over their
business. They can keep more of their hard-earned commissions and invest those funds into their marketing and professional development efforts. This can lead to increased productivity and higher earnings over time.

At the same time, the 100% commission model can also benefit consumers by lowering
the overall cost of buying or selling a property.

With agents no longer paying hefty commission fees to their brokerages, they may be able to pass some of those savings on to their clients in the form of lower fees or more competitive pricing.

Furthermore, the 100% commission model can also help to level the playing field for
new or smaller real estate agents who may have struggled to compete under the
traditional commission structure. With lower overhead costs and more control over their
earnings, these agents may be better able to build their businesses and establish
themselves in the industry.

Of course, there are also potential drawbacks to the 100% commission model.

Agents may need to invest more time and money to build their brand and marketing
efforts. In some cases, they may have different support and resources than traditional brokerage provides. But at NellyCorp Realty, agents can receive a company-sponsored monthly marketing investment of up to $500 to help them grow their business while receiving unlimited support from their non-competing and non-producing management team. This unique model can increase the number of closed transactions, ultimately benefiting the agent and the company.

Overall, however, the 100% commission model represents an intriguing disruption to the
real estate industry and could significantly benefit agents and consumers. As more and more agents and brokerages adopt this model, it will be interesting to see how it shapes the industry’s future as a whole.

Ready to learn more about what NCR can do to help grow your business? Let’s connect today.

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